Earn coins every day with
almost 0 electricity mining machine!

※1   Basis for calculation of actual performance: Actual mining reward of 0.17419004 ETH for the year 2023, evaluated at the ETH/JPY rate of 381,000 yen on January 16, 2024, divided by the cost of the unit, 90,000 yen. Electricity cost is calculated as 0 yen.
※2   This is the assumed annual yield for BNB's Mining Boost as of April 25, 2024, and is the upper limit of the yield. This assumed yield is a figure that fluctuates daily depending on market conditions.
※3   The total number of machines that have been sold and operated by the Company during the period November 1, 2022 to May 10, 2024 is 10,491.
※4   The electricity bill for one year is 0.017 JPY, assuming 30 JPY/kWh.
1分    でわかるマイニング事業!!

These specs are
guaranteed to work and at the lowest price
in the mining industry !

※1   Basis for calculation of actual performance: Actual mining reward of 0.17419004 ETH for the year 2023, evaluated at the ETH/JPY rate of 381,000 yen on January 16, 2024, divided by the cost of the unit, 90,000 yen. Electricity cost is calculated as 0 yen.
※2   The yield is calculated by dividing the estimated coins received over three years by $700, the unit price of the product without tax. This estimated coins received is only an assumption and does not guarantee the customer's future profit.
※3   The electricity bill for one year is 0.017 JPY, assuming 30 yen/kWh.

Mining machine is device
that can acquire crypto currency by automatically
processing and issuing new currency as its object.

So many advantage!
Check out the mining process in Web3 Maker®!

※1   Basis for calculation of actual performance: Actual mining reward of 0.17419004 ETH for the year 2023, evaluated at the ETH/JPY rate of 381,000 yen on January 16, 2024, divided by the cost of the unit, 90,000 yen. Electricity cost is calculated as 0 yen.
※2   This is the assumed annual yield for BNB's Mining Boost as of April 25, 2024, and is the upper limit of the yield. This assumed yield is a figure that fluctuates daily depending on market conditions.
※3   The total number of machines that have been sold and operated by the Company during the period November 1, 2022 to May 10, 2024 is 10,491.

Are you making money from the mining machines you are running now?

Electricity costs exceed mining rewards
Huge costs to prepare dedicated equipment and spacious facilities
Even if the number of miners increases, the price of the coins to be mined does not rise
Monthly electricity bill is less than 4 cents, so no need to worry about costs exceeding mining rewards.
Coin size allows multiple operations with a single desk
Coin prices are likely to rise as a portion of product sales are used to purchase mined coins on the market
Web3 Maker®
Conventional Mining Machines



No Hot

So small







These specs are
guaranteed to work and at the lowest price
in the mining industry !

※1   Basis for calculation of actual performance: Actual mining reward of 0.17419004 ETH for the year 2023, evaluated at the ETH/JPY rate of 381,000 yen on January 16, 2024, divided by the cost of the unit, 90,000 yen. Electricity cost is calculated as 0 yen.
※2   The yield is calculated by dividing the estimated coins received over three years by $700, the unit price of the product without tax. This estimated coins received is only an assumption and does not guarantee the customer's future profit.
※3   The electricity bill for one year is 0.017 JPY, assuming 30 yen/kWh.

Receive coins via MetaMask

Market capitalization 2nd place
Coins with powerful smart contracts.
SISC(Shirushi Coin)
10% discount on the company's products issued by group company SRS Inc.
BNB(Binance Coin)
Market capitalization 3rd place
Coins issued by Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange.
BTC(Bit Coin)
The coin with the largest market capitalization in the world
U.S. dollar-linked coin
Stablecoin linked to the U.S. dollar at 1:1
Receive coins with MetaMask!
MetaMask is the most popular, reliable and convenient service in the world.

Process of receivingProcess of receiptProcess of receipt

Mine the "Shirushi Coin (SISC)" easily with Web3 Maker®!
Our patented technology allows us to use a portion of the machine sales for purchases as the provider of coins and mining machines is a group company.
Sell SISCs earned daily on the market for the coins you wish to receive
  Sent to wallet
Coins automatically arrive in your registered MetaMask wallet!

Two methods of operation to choose from

Shipping fee
1unit $7
Connect Web3 Maker® to USB Type-C.
Install the SHIRUSHI App on your smartphone.
Connect your machine to Wi-Fi using the SHIRUSHI App.
Earn mining rewards daily!
Data center deposit
1 year maintenance costs
Operating 1Unit $86
No hassle with our data center deposit
Guaranteed uptime

These specs are
guaranteed to work and at the lowest price
in the mining industry !

※1   Basis for calculation of actual performance: Actual mining reward of 0.17419004 ETH for the year 2023, evaluated at the ETH/JPY rate of 381,000 yen on January 16, 2024, divided by the cost of the unit, 90,000 yen. Electricity cost is calculated as 0 yen.
※2   The yield is calculated by dividing the estimated coins received over three years by $700, the unit price of the product without tax. This estimated coins received is only an assumption and does not guarantee the customer's future profit.
※3   The electricity bill for one year is 0.017 JPY, assuming 30 yen/kWh.

Sales and manufacturer information

Sales and manufacturer information
Semiconductor manufacturer, Web3 system development
Tama head office
Toyama branch

We have obtained a patent!

Patent concept map
Patent Number
Patent No.7402445

Registration Date
December 13, 2023

Patent Holder

Patent Summary
A portion of the sales from the mining machine (Web3 Maker®) is used to purchase the coins to be mined (SISC in the case of Web3 Maker®) on the market.This creates upward pressure on the price of the coins to be mined, which has a positive impact on the mining rewards (SISC in the case of Web3Maker®) generated by the individual mining machines.
SISC continues to increase by
6.7 times
thanks to patented technology!!

Here are some of the joyful comments we have received

Purchased just before the end of the term. LLC   Mr.T
We purchased Web3Maker® with our expenses because it was a period in which our company generated a certain amount of sales.
Since we purchased it in 2022, before crypto currencies were rising, it is now performing much better than the purchase price.
This product has helped me a lot because with direct purchases of securities, FX, and coins, I can't expense them.
I also think it is an advantage to have an asset that is resistant to inflation even if I am in Japan.
We are making it the cornerstone of our new business. Solo proprietor   Mr.A
I have discovered a secret way to get a 10% discount when you purchase Web3Maker® with SHIRUSHI Coins, so I have been using this method to get my machines up and running in my own way quite a bit.
My earnings from my main business have not been very stable, but recently it has become much easier thanks to Web3Maker®.
I would like to work on this as my main business in the future.
Compounding. Solo proprietor   Mr.F
Web3 When I learned about Web3Maker®, I said, "This is good for compounding!" I decided.
As soon as I accumulate the coins earned by the machine, I use them to buy the next Web3Maker®.
Although the coin price fluctuates, I buy machines without worrying about the market price because I think the profit gained from the compounding effect will ultimately be more. Also, I can buy Web3Maker® directly with coins, so I don't have to exchange every single coin, which is very convenient.

How to Apply

Individual Consultation
Our staff will provide full support
from start to finish.
Buy at the shop
STEP 1   Log in via various login methods
STEP 2   Purchase by various payment methods
Payment in JPY and USD
Bank Transfer/Credit Card
Coin Paiment
STEP 3   Billing Support


What is the price of one unit?
The price of the unit is $700.
We have set a price of less than 100,000 JPY, which can be expensed during the current term as consumable supplies.
Can I claim it as an expense?
Yes, it is possible to have it as an expense.
The cost of the machine can be immediately depreciated in the current fiscal year as consumable supplies.
Shipping costs and data center storage (maintenance costs) can also be charged as expenses.
What is the size and power used?
The size fits on a 50 cent coin (2.8 x 2.0 x 0.6cm).
The power consumption is less than 1w.
This has revolutionized the concept of mining around the world, as it eliminates the need for the construction of large mining farms, large power receiving facilities, cooling systems, etc., as in the past.
What are the details of the data center depsit?
We offer a service in which you can depsit your products at our data center.
This service is a hassle-free operation even for large volume purchases and comes with a 3-year warranty, so there is no need to worry about breakdowns or theft of products after the warranty period.
What is the duration of operation?
The operating period is for 3 years (1095 days).
The number of days will not be reduced if mining cannot be performed due to power or communication problems at the installation site provided by the customer.
What is the minimum number of days of operation after purchase?
The fastest minimum operating time after purchase is about 2 business days by using data center storage.What is the minimum number of days of operation after purchase?
Customers with only a few days remaining until the due date should use the data center depsit.
I want to sell and spread the word. Do you have an affiliate program?
Yes, we have an affiliate program available.
Affiliates who help us sell and spread the word will receive 7% of the sales proceeds.
What kind of company is SHIRUSHI Inc.?
SHIRUSHI Inc. is a semiconductor manufacturer with strengths in web3 founded in 2017.
We are headquartered in the facilities of Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Corporation and have one data center in Toyama.
As the one and only group of engineers bridging Web3 and the real world, we continue to create what is needed for the next generation.
How was it possible to make it so small?
This machine mines its own coin called SHIRUSHI Coin (SISC).
This mining method (PoWS) is an algorithm that distributes the newly minted coins equally to all machines that perform the mining process even once.
Therefore, there is no computational competition and no need to engage in power-hungry activities using large computing devices.


1.本資料でご提供する情報その他データを含むいかなる情報、予測、意見も、特定の利用者の購入目的、財務状況等を特に 考慮することなく、情報提供のみを目的とするものであり、購入に関する助言もしくはサービスを行うことを目的として提供 するものではありません。
2.本資料に掲載されている情報は、当社が公的に入手可能な情報のみに基づき作成されたものです。掲載事項に含まれる情 報は、正確かつ信頼できると考えていますが、その正確性、信頼性が客観的に検証されているものではありません。
3.本資料は、お客様が必要とする全ての情報を含むことを意図したものではありません。また、当社は当サイトに掲載された 情報の正確性・信頼性・完全性・妥当性・適合性について、いかなる表明・保証をするものではなく、一切の責任又は義務を負わないものとします。
4.本資料に含まれる情報は、金融市場や経済環境の変化等のために、最新のものでない可能性があります。当サイトで示す 見解は予告なしに変更されることがあり、また、当社は当サイトに含まれる情報及び見解を更新する義務を負うものではありません。
6.本資料は、すべてのお客様にとって適切とは限りません。お客様は、取引を行う際には、専門家に法律・ビジネス・ 税金その他についてご相談ください。
8.本資料の内容に従って購入をおこなった場合に、利益を生じもしくは損失を生じる場合がありますが、当社はその結果に 対して一切の責任または義務を負わないものとします。
17.お客様が当社にマイニング機器の管理を委託する場合、当該管理委託契約の有効期間中は、次の場合を除いて、お客様は本契約を中途解約することはできません。(1) お客様が死亡した場合 (2) 法人であるお客様が廃業した場合